DefinitionAny time you’re explaining something about a text, you need to cite, or point out, textual evidence to support your ideas. Textual evidence may be a word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph that led you to make an inference or draw a conclusion. When you cite textual evidence, someone else can look back at a particular part of a text you read and understand how you came to your inferences or conclusions.
When you make inferences while reading or analyzing a text, you use the text and your own background knowledge to make logical guesses about what is not directly stated by the author. When you are explaining these inferences to someone else, it is important that you use textual evidence to show how and why you analyzed a text in the way that you did.
For example, an analysis of Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken,” in which the speaker describes coming to a fork on a forest path and having to choose which one to take, might state:
The difficulty of making choices is an important theme of Frost’s poem.
The same analysis is strengthened by going on to cite textual evidence:
Frost establishes this theme in the first few lines. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,” the speaker begins, “and sorry I could not travel both / and be one traveler, / long I stood . . . .” Immediately, we see that the speaker is faced with a tough choice: which way to go.
Whether you’re making inferences from a short passage or drawing conclusions based on an entire text, textual evidence is the most important tool for helping you explain your ideas.Identification and Application:
In order to cite textual evidence that most strongly supports your analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, do the following: